Type declarations

Only subprograms (functions or procedures) can be imported using the foreign attribute. In the following minimal example, the sin function is imported:

package math is
  function sin (v : real) return real;
  attribute foreign of sin : function is "VHPIDIRECT sin";
end math;

package body math is
  function sin (v : real) return real is
    assert false severity failure;
  end sin;
end math;


  • A subprogram is made foreign if the foreign attribute decorates it.
  • The attribute specification must be in the same declarative part as the subprogram and must be after it. This is a general rule for specifications.
  • The value of the specification must be a locally static string.
  • The value of the attribute must start with VHPIDIRECT (an upper-case keyword followed by one or more blanks). The linkage name of the subprogram follows. The path to a shared library can be optionally specified between the keyword and the name of the subprogram (see shlib).
  • Even when a subprogram is foreign, its body must be present in VHDL. However, since it won’t be called, you can make it empty or simply put an assertion. If the body is ever executed, that will mean that the foreign resource was not properly linked.
  • Except for resources in the standard C library (which is linked by default), the object file with the source code for foreign subprogram(s) must then be linked to GHDL, expanded upon in Linking object files.


Attribute foreign is declared in the 1993 revision of the std.standard package. Therefore, it cannot be used in VHDL 1987.

Restrictions on type declarations

Any subprogram can be imported. GHDL puts no restrictions on foreign subprograms. However, the representation of a type or of an interface in a foreign language may be obscure. Most non-composite types are easily imported:

integer types
32 bit word. Generally, int for C or Integer for Ada.
physical types
64 bit word. Generally, long long for C or Long_Long_Integer for Ada.
floating point types
64 bit floating point word. Generally, double for C or Long_Float for Ada.
enumeration types
8 bit word, or, if the number of literals is greater than 256, by a 32 bit word. There is no corresponding C type, since arguments are not promoted.

Non-composite types are passed by value. For the in mode (default), this corresponds to the C or Ada mechanism. out and inout interfaces are gathered in a record and this record is passed by reference as the first argument to the subprogram. As a consequence, it is not suggested to use out and/or inout modes in foreign subprograms, since they are not portable.

Composite types:

  • Records are represented like a C structure and are passed by reference to subprograms.
  • Arrays with static bounds are represented like a C array, whose length is the number of elements, and are passed by reference to subprograms.
  • Unconstrained arrays are represented by a fat pointer. It is not suggested to use unconstrained arrays in foreign subprograms.
  • Accesses to an unconstrained array are fat pointers. Other accesses correspond to an address/pointer and are passed to a subprogram like other non-composite types.
  • Files are represented by a 32 bit word, which corresponds to an index in a table.