

Instead of using GHDL’s own entrypoint to the execution, it is possible to wrap it by providing a custom main function. Upon existence of main, execution of the simulation is triggered by calling ghdl_main.

This is the most basic example of such usage. ghdl_main is declared as extern in C, and arguments argc and argv are passed without modification. However, this sets the ground for custom prepocessing and postprocessing in a foreign language.

Other options are to just pass empty arguments (ghdl_main(0, NULL)) or to customize them:

char* args[] = {NULL, "--wave=wave.ghw"};
ghdl_main(2, args);

See Wrapping a simulation (ghdl_main) for further details about the constraints of argv.


Although most of the provided examples are written in C, VHPIDIRECT can be used with any language that supports a C-alike compile and link model.

This example shows how to time the execution of a simulation from either C or Ada. In both cases, function clock is used to get the time before and after calling ghdl_main. Regarding the build procedure, it is to be noted that C sources are elaborated with -e, because GHDL allows to pass parameters (in this case, additional C sources) to the compiler and/or linker. However, since it is not possible to do so with Ada, gnatmake, --bind and --list-link are used instead. See Linking object files for further info about custom linking setups.


Compared to the previous example, the declaration of ghdl_main includes three arguments in this example: int argc, void** argv, void** envp. This is done for illustration purposes only, as it has no real effect on the exercise.